

The group’s days in Morogoro had us engaged with locals and brushing up on our bargaining skills. We definitely got a taste of the local cuisine when dining out and exploring what the town has to offer. There are so many friendly people here and most if not all are excited to get to know us, even snapping a few pictures with them. Our Kiswahili is definitely improving as we talk with more and more locals about prices, how the day is, and even about where the closest restaurant is!

We’ve also established our group agreements, committing to them for the remainder of the trip. Oren and Marisa have kept us active with various games and group discussions to help us unwind from a long day. There have been late night laughs and chatter about our lives and the people we miss and love. And to show how much we appreciate the people back home, here a some shout-outs from the group members:

Ellen: “Much love to my family and the homies! Having a great time in Tanzania!”

Giselle & (Irish) Rachael: ” To our parents: Don’t worry I’m alive and well!”

Victoria: “Hey Becca! Hey Kim! Hey Mom! Hey Isabel! Hey Dad! I’m losing weight as we speak!”

Sophie: “Hey Idahoans! Eat some potatoes for me!”

We’ll be leaving Morogoro tomorrow for our language school, about 4-6 hours by bus ride. We’ll update soon!



Group Africa

P.S. There are some issues with the computer, so we can’t upload any pictures at the moment. But we promise we’ll get some up later on!