Greetings from Morogoro, Tanzania! Team “Best of the Rest” is rocking out at the all-day scavenger hunt around the city. So far in Tanzania we have eaten local foods such as Ugali, beans and rice, chipate, and delicious fruits. The entire group has bonded over intense games of Uno, SLAM, and BS (Erin winning them all of course). The weather is quite a change from what we were used to but don’t worry moms we all are loaded with sunscreen and bug spray and drinking lots of water. Already this trip has proven to be quite the adventure and we are taking advantage of every minute. We have all also been working on our Swahili so we’d like to challenge you with a phrase. If you know the translation post it in a comment!
“Gari langu linaloangama limejaa na mikunga”
George, Kyle and Rebecca