Written by Stella Kuramoto, 2023-24 Latitudes Student
Experiencing Independence and Wildlife Conservation
This semester I experienced true independence and one of the most beautiful places in the whole world with one of my best friends whom I’ve met through Carpe. I’m six weeks in volunteering at the wildlife habitat and life could not be cooler. I spend my days taking care of incredible animals and learning all about conservation and the effort it takes to respect and care for this region’s critters.
Challenges Along the Way
I’ve been challenged through my ability to take care of myself. Grocery shopping, getting up in the morning, transportation, and all the aspects of an independent and dedicated lifestyle have become a force of habit. At first, it seemed like a lot to handle and was very stressful, but over time it’s been so worth it and has taught me a lot about myself.
Highlights of the Journey
A highlight of mine has been working firsthand with a lot of the reptiles on site. They are absolutely incredible and through the hands-on work, I’ve been able to expand my knowledge regarding my favorite species of animal. As well as that, walking two minutes down the road to do yoga on the beach under the setting sun has definitely been a plus!
Gratitude and Reflection
I am most grateful for this opportunity and the people willing to teach us and take us under their wings to further our passion and education toward conversation and the protection of local wildlife. It brings me so much joy that I am able to be here, fully immersed in what this town has to offer. It truly is the opportunity of a lifetime and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life right now. I was so wary of a non-traditional path after high school, but through things like this, I’ve come to realize that it’s exactly what I need and want to do.
Inspired by Stella’s gap year? Learn more about the Latitudes Year and carve out your own journey!