Benji meeting fun locals and getting random trivia facts, like the following one this vibrant young man offered us: There is a fifty percent chance that in a room of 23 people there will be two people that have the same birthday.Going for a day as uninhibited foodies, they stop by a Portland local shop named Cupcake Jones for a rich Vegan and Gluten-free Red Velvet cupcake. (That’s so Portland)
Fresh off a camping excursion, Benji and Kelsi ventured into the heart of Portland on a scavenger hunt. We hopped on our bikes and quickly realized that our first mission should involve getting some food. Luckily, there was a Portland style grocery store near by.In Wallace park they end their day to watch the famous Portland swift migration where thousands of these tiny, agile birds dance and gather in the air before magnificently spiraling and funneling into an old school chimney. We played with the youngings going down a nearby slope on bits of cardboard like sleds on snow- a most enjoyable past time of Kelsi. Kelsi in this photo, is pointing to two elder women that she and Benji targeted as the “victims” of a random act of kindness. After marking up a sea salt and almond dark chocolate bar with messages of kindness, they found a messenger in the crowd to deliver this friendly sweetness. They watched from a distance as the women clearly enjoyed the anonymous gift they received.
Never missing an opportunity for fun, we opted for an adventure picnic. Benji gathered half of the supplies for a picnic while Kelsi did the same without conferring. What resulted was a slew of new culinary experiences: raw falafel wraps, coconut chips, potstickers, and an Oregonian cranberry juice.