Just now, I Googled the definition of “frazzled” and this is what I got.
1. completely exhausted.
2. cause to shrivel up with burning.
These both perfectly apply to my experience of India so far.
But besides the exhaustion at the end of each day, the oppressive heat, the wonderful food (which for once is finally too spicy for me sometimes), I have found some sort of indescribable beauty to everything in this country (although I have only been here for around 4 days, so I can only speak on Delhi). Several times I have found myself completely enveloped in a moment, whether it’s a hectic nighttime rickshaw ride through the back streets of Delhi, a rooftop view in the morning of farmlands waking up and becoming active with the river stretching out beyond, or a group of kids playing in a park with trees littered with Tibetan prayer flags (one of which fell, scraped his knee, and then had it promptly bandaged with leaves and grass by the 7 year old matriarch of their group.) I’ve completely fallen in love with this country, or at least the little bit that I’ve seen so far.