It’s a cold, sunny day here at the Carpe Diem headquarters in Portland, but we’re putting our hats and scarves in storage, busting out the sunblock and sandals, and brushing up on our Swahili. We fly out in a couple of days, and can’t wait until our whole group is united in Dar Es Salaam, so that we can start the adventure. For all of the family and friends out there who haven’t seen the itinerary yet, get ready to be jealous: our trip starts in Tanzania where we volunteer at orphanages and schools, live and work with the Maasai tribe, and go on safari (just to name a few cool highlights). Then we’ll head to Rwanda to study the history of genocide, and from there move on to Uganda where we’ll live and serve with more local communities, take wooden canoes around lakes, raft the Nile, and explore African city life. We’ll end back in Tanzania on the island of Zanzibar. Where, oh that’s right, we’re going SCUBA DIVING!
This blog will be a place for you — that’s right, we mean you George, Kyle, Eli, Rebecca, and Erin! – to share your highs and lows, your insights, photos, and all of the other moments that will make your friends and family incredibly proud. So send out the link to everyone you know through facebook/tweet/text/email/morse code/smoke signals. In the mean time, enjoy those last few hot water showers, eat at your favorite taco stands and pizza joints, and give hugs to all of your family and friends. Karibuni Africa! Welcome to Africa!
Safari Njema, safe journey
– Team Africa!!! Avy & Robbie