Enjoying one of the many fresh juices there were to offer in Masaya. This one was melon and mango.Taking the chicken bus from Masaya to Granada!A beautiful Cathedral in GranadaRebecca and Adrienne enjoying our tour of Las Isletas in Lake Nicaragua!Un mono, en la isla de monos!Corey talking with the parrot on an isleta.The group taking a siesta on the ferry to Ometepe island.Getting muddy in the lagoon on top of Volcano Madersas. Go MAYA!Basket weaving in Balguay, the town where Finca Bona Fide is.one of the many breathtaking sunsets on OmetepeCorey getting to know some nativesOur pride and joy during our week at Bonafide… The Hilton. We spent most of the week cutting bamboo, collecting trash, and mixing up cow poo plaster to make these walls. And we couldn’t be more excited about how much progress we madeEnjoying our day off between Bonafide and Project Woo in the only shark inhabited lake in the worldOur view from lunch at a local restaurant overlooking Playa Amarillo… not too shabbyKatie P and Becca G living life on the edge on top of Pie de Gigante… a hike we all did with our spanish teachersKatie B, Becca L, and Josee working on our service projectAlly M, Katie S, and Becca G’s new piglets at their homestay… Just a day old