Hello from Cusco! Or Cuzco, depending on how you spell it. Today is our last day in the city before heading off to Arequipa and the beach for our week of free travel. Our week in Cusco has been incredible! On Monday we met our respective host families and began our Spanish classes at FairPlay language school. The school employs single mothers in an effort to break the cycle of discrimination and poverty that single mothers face in Peru.
Our classes are split into two sections: two hours of Spanish grammar, and two hours of practicing Spanish out and about in the bustling city. With Kai´s Spanish Practice teacher she has gone to the bus station to inquire about tickets, a market to try ´picarrones´ (a fried ring of bread with honey sauce, rather like a superior donut), a church with an incredible view of Cusco to talk about its history, and a chocolate museum (quite a tasty experience). Emily´s teacher has introduced her to the wonders of some special Peruvian bakeries, and has taken her to tour a few fruit markets to satisfy her daily craving for pineapple juice. With the Spanish school we´ve also tried our hands at Peruvian cooking- On Tuesday night we learned how to make ‘Rocoto Relleno’, a stuffed pepper filled with meat, spices, vegetables, and raisins and then covered in dough and fried. Needless to say, it was delicious. Although, much to Ivy´s horror, an ‘ava’ bean managed to make it into the mix. A little memory from Achupallas!
This week we’ve had mornings before class free to ourselves to wander the city or meet up with friends, and we’ve used the time to get acquainted with the best spots to obtain waffles and french toast, even if we join the masses of Gringos. For anyone visiting Cusco soon, The Meeting Place, Papillion, and Jack´s are some of our favorite haunts. Several establishments are starting to recognise us (for our incredible ability to eat several slices of cake…each). Also, after several days of searching, the girls finally found a place that offers yoga classes! Kai was quite excited to try yoga for the first time, and the experience didn’t disappoint.
Unfortunately, not all of us had the opportunity to explore Cusco. Poor Eli was struck down by a triple-wammy of infection and disease that left him in the hospital for a few nights. He still managed to keep a positive attitude about the whole ordeal, calling his hospital room his ‘penthouse suite’ and enjoying the view and the TV. The girls and Seth paid him a visit to see this sweet pad of his, and to practice our Zumba routines in the spacious hospital room. He recovered quickly enough to join us in our awesome Salsa lessons at the school though!
We’re looking forward to returning and learning more Spanish in Cusco, although our week of free travel in Arequipa and on the beach is going to be amazing too!!!
-Kai and Emily