Written By Abby
Wow. It seems like just yesterday we were all watching the volcano, Fuego, erupt during dinner at the famous EarthLodge above Antigua, Guatemala. Now we are counting the hours we have left here in Costa Rica, making the most of every moment. After our time at Villas Mastatal was up, we braved the stormy ocean by boat to make our way to Drake Bay. We waded off the boat to our hostel before going our separate ways for dinner in town. Sunday morning, we started our scuba diving course with a series of videos where PADI taught us “don’t try”, and how to signal “boat”. Ella and Sam treated the group to a very special dinner of burgers at the hostel, fueling us up for the exciting week ahead. The night closed out with a game, where we all told stories and learned possibly a little too much about them. Monday, we returned to practice our diving skills in the pool, learning to breathe underwater. Tuesday and Wednesday, the crew, wind in hair and salt on skin, boated to Caño Island to dive in the ocean, visiting sea turtles, sharks, eels, rays, and so much more. We took in some sun and a few too many bug bites hanging out on the beach of a national park between dives, and even saw dolphins and whales on the boat rides back to lunch at the dive center hotel. Half of the group got to sleep in Thursday, while the rest made an early morning trip to a whale watching tour. The excursion group returned and met the others at the beach, where they had spent the day suntanning, swimming, and playing Jackpot with a frisbee. Trekking through the jungle, we spotted a family of white-faced capuchin monkeys on our way to a reflective activity on the beach. Sofia and Mats cooked up so delicious spaghetti and meatballs for a very successful group dinner. Friday morning the groups swapped, and the previous beach-goers explored the Corcovado National Park, meeting tapirs, coatis, a sloth, a boa constrictor, wild pigs, and the other three types of monkeys here in Costa Rica. The boat ride back was in itself an adventure, a storm of rain, waves, wind, and laughter. Friday’s dinner was a group event out at a restaurant in town before a night of packing and preparation for Saturday’s travel day. Saturday was spent first on a boat, surprised by views of monkeys and crocodiles on the way to the port. Off the boat, we were lucky to catch the placement of the mysterious stone spheres, a phenomenon of which no one knows the source. The van took the group the rest of the way, a smooth ride to Grecia, our last stop before returning to the States. See you soon!