Diversity & Inclusion Plan
We recognize that we are a long way from the diversity we aim for within our staff - and less far from where we hope to be with our students and partners. We have done some great work increasing our partnerships with Summer Search, Harlem Educational Activities, Son of a Saint, and Carpe Mundi to include a much more diverse student population than ever before. We would like to increase these partnerships.
However, we still have some significant headway to make in terms of hiring and recruiting a more diverse staff: we strive to have Overseas Educators who represent diverse perspectives for added educational value and leadership role modeling, but we also strive to have Administrative staff who represent a diversity of perspectives in program design, curriculum, logistics and life. We recognize that our work will not happen overnight or without dedicating time, attention, and resources. To that end, we have created a strategic plan to address our current shortfalls and to make significant improvements, updated summer of 2024, to be honest with our accomplishments and where more work is most needed. "DONE" represents things that are complete. "ONGOING" represents things that are started and must be maintained in order to succeed. "IN PROCESS" represents things that are still in development.
We very much invite collaborators and ideas to help improve this important aspect of our work.
Objective 1:
Create an HQ culture where diversity and inclusion initiatives are a priority, on par with marketing, risk management, and program development
- Create a Diversity Team which meets semi-monthly to push forward diversity initiatives and track progress - ALL HQ ARE INVOLVED WEEKLY.
- Create a diversity rubric which HQ staff will use to evaluate all decisions - DONE AS OUR "EQUITY LENS."
- Complete GYA’s Diversity Self-Assessment and create an action plan for improvement - REPEATED IN 2024.
- Participate in GYA’s Peer Learning Groups to improve diversity and inclusion industry-wide - ONGOING.
- Dedicate professional development funds each year for at least 50% of HQ staff to attend external diversity trainings to increase awareness and incorporate industry practices - IN PROCESS.
- Actively participate in Portland’s B-Corporation community diversity initiatives - ONGOING.
Objective 2:
Recruit, hire, and train HQ and field staff from culturally diverse backgrounds
- Create a Scholarship Program for culturally diverse field staff to obtain requisite certifications - DONE.
- Re-write our field staff position description to be more inclusive. Post to job boards designed to reach a more diverse group of applicants - ONGOING.
- Designate an HQ staff member on the field staff hiring committee who will follow up with all candidates, regardless of employment, to advise on gaining the necessary experience to lead a future Carpe Diem Program - IN PROCESS.
- Design a “Training Up” Program which will help diverse staff obtain the credentials and experience needed to become Carpe Diem field staff - IN PROCESS.
- Allocate financial resources for and implement "Training-Up" Program - IN PROCESS.
Objective 3:
Recruit and support students from diverse (cultural and socioeconomic) backgrounds
- Increase number of Carpe Mundi students to 28, including two specialized PDXchange programs. (Representing approximately $150,000 of financial support to Carpe Mundi) - IN PROCESS.
- Increase scholarships to other, non-Carpe Mundi, low-income and racially diverse candidates to a minimum of $30,000/year - ONGOING.
- Update marketing plan to include outreach to college access organizations and foundations - IN PROCESS.
- Update marketing materials and website to include scholarships and additional fundraising advice in order to support more diverse students - ONGOING.