Hey guys!
We just finished our second to last day of work on Sheila’s farm. This week has gone by so fast and we are sad to see it come to an end. Each day we wake up at 7, eat breakfast and start that days work. The work involves planting trees (720 total), herding cows, feeding baby cows, repairing/building fences, gardening and other various jobs around the farm. We are all assigned individual daily chores that include, breakfast prep and clean up, bathroom duty, taking out the garbage, laundry duty and lunch prep (which I do). We also rotate who helps cook dinner every night. The night I was helping with dinner we were having Shnitzel, so I ended up breading and cooking it which was definitely an experience.
We work from 8-12, then after lunch at 12:30 we have the afternoon off. We have been spending our free time relaxing, reading, journaling, going on runs and walks, and just enjoying our time on this beautiful farm. Today is Peter’s birthday and we have invited the Maori family whom we stayed with last week, and a few other neighbors to come over and help us celebrate] Thanksgiving/Birthday dinner. Yesterday and today we have all been working hard preparing dishes and desserts for tonight.

We all have been enjoying out tome here on the farm and will be so sad to leave on Sunday. Talk to you guys soon!