Creative Thoughts for the Peeps Back Home

Fiesta in Matagalpa

Outlined in  a halo of light from the fireworks whistling into the air, me and my host siblings pass thorugh the couples and other families to the inner circle where the children of the town strain to see what is happening. As we approach, my younger brother perches on the highest part of his tipy toes. I turn to my host sister to tell her to help Gabriel onto my shoulders. In onje swift movement it is done. Men in red suits dance around the pavement and then huddle together all on one knee facing the crowd. The men point hoses toward the night sky and a fountain of water sputters upward. Shouts of joy and squeals of excitement acompany the artificial rain soaking our shoulders. Now aimed at the white walls of the chiurch, it too is soaked in the tradition and celebration of the firefighters´ fountain. I leaned my head back and held on tight as Gabriel did the same. We watched the sky light up as more fireworks exploded above the street lamps. I smiled to myself nad promised t5o remember this moment for many years. It was a powerful moment my unknowing host siblings made possible for me.DSCN1874







Martin, Celina, Gabriel, Fernanda and Begera the dog at our home in Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

Off the Ground, Into the Clouds

 Halfway to the hotsprings we get off the public bus to find waiting for us an old toyota that has a metal frame over the top of the back to allow people to travel in. This is how we would conitue our journey to the hotsprings. As the ride began our shoulders bump into each other like an old arcade game. We pass thorugh the mountain side pueblo raising hands and greeting the locals as we scuttle on by. Begining our acend up the hillside, the buildings brake apart to give view to a breathtaking horizon. In the dip of the montain sat the pueblo, the houses and shops turning into a geometric blurr. Behind it farmland creeps straight up to meet the tees of the summit. Finally at eight thousand feet we can see the sky wrapping the peak of the mountain in a blanket of clouds. Nobody can quite believe what they are taking in but even if it isn´t real we all sít in awe at the land before us.DSCN2674
