Because of popular demand, mainly my dad, we have a photobucket account for your viewing pleasure.
lovebobby… Read More
Carpe Diem is the name of our group.Crammin 25 in a 14 seater, as if were in a coop.Going nation to nation,on the road agin to a fresh destination.Bags packed, domes in tacked, onwards in our adventure yo, no hesitation.Were naturally nomatic,scratch that flomatic, no static, on the road wreaking havoc.Back at it cause were a traveling addict.Just left Jam bamboo, all night long played teh drums with you.Were one… Read More
After reading this blog families, friends, and loved ones will understand why it has been such a long time since our last post. Today is our first full day in the lovely metropolis of Quetzaltenango aka Xela, but before i delve too much into our current activities let me inform you all of what our group has been doing the past several days. The last post we shared that we… Read More
We are wrapping it up here in San Andres, spending some time with our families and preparing some thankyou gifts. We have been emmersed into some of the historical Myan beliefs of San Andres, including a visit to a Curandera(a shamanistic herbal healer.)At the Curandera we learned about some of the common sicknesses amongest children and ways of healing them. One of the illnesses is caused from the transfer of… Read More
Its our third day at our second homestay, in San Andres. We apologize for the lack of blogs thus far. We thourghly enjoiyed ourselves in Poptuon and were fortunate enough to have participated in the local Guatemalan Independence Day festivities. These festivities included, sack races, music, a compatition with horses and a scramble up a 30 foot tall, lard covered log. Alex and Robert were champs and participated in the… Read More
Having met the group after months of only knowing them over the internet has made this whole journey become real. It started as we sat in a circle on the ground in the airport playing games and getting to know eachother. After a 6 hourt flight to El Salvador and another half hour to Guatemala City we hopped on a 7 hour bus ride to Finca Ixobel. Alex managed to… Read More
I just spoke to our intrepid leaders, Andy and Karen, and they’ve got the entire group together and are heading through SFO airport security as we speak! I have to admit this is an auspicious beginning to the semester as everything seems to be going quite smoothly thus far … and I’m sure the semester will continue accordingly! So, stay tuned for fairly regular blogs from the students on a… Read More
Hola Los Amigos: Alex, Celia, Dan, Heidi, Kaise, Max, y Robert,
This is our blog-site in which all of your friends and family will be vicariously living through. Once a week one of you will be a “blogger”/author who will describe all the juicy details of our amazing, twisting, bumpy and winding roads that we travel along during the next three months. We encourage you to peruse past blogs to… Read More
Happy Mother’s Day! As we post this last blog, Namanda (Nick & Amanda) would like to take the opportunity to thank the mothers (and fathers) out there for giving space for your son and daughters to further spread their wings over Central American’s vibrant currents. How to encapsulate three months of intense living and inspiring transformations… although there is not so much a need for this, since the ‘light bulbs’… Read More
We have found another paradise in Roatan, Honduras. Getting here was another trip in itself. Our taxi was late for our 4 am pickup at our hostel in San Jose, and at the airport we apparently “had reservations, but no tickets” and waited at the check-in desk for 1 1/2 hours. The rest of the day went complication free, despite the fact that we stopped at 4 more airports. Our… Read More
2:00pm we caught our bus for a 4hr bus ride to San Jose to spend the night before our journey to the turtle project. San Jose was nice but we were all mostly pretty tired and took the night to relax, eat, and catch up on our e-mails, facebook, blogs, etc. before enjoying our first all ladies dorm room hehe sorry timo and nico!
The next morning we woke… Read More
The following is a post recently made to our FAQ page that we wanted to include to all of you who might be reading this blog.
Swine flu has recently been confirmed throughout Mexico and parts of the US. A few other countries have also reported possible infections. While we’re in touch with the CDC and monitoring all of the international news we can put our hands on, we also… Read More
We just finished a week in complete and total paradise, in the form of the ecological resort-in-progress Parque Maderas. Last Sunday we left Leon at 9 am for the four hour drive to San Juan Del Sur, arriving at Parque Maderas in the heat of the early afternoon. However, we pretty much forgot about being hot once we discovered where we were. Parque Maderas is run by Tyler, who grew… Read More
I really have no idea how I´m going to make this a satisfying report for all you out there, but I am certainly going to try…This week was our last in language school, and everyone is starting to feel a little awed by the rapidly approaching end date, coming to destroy all our fun. Well, maybe not all so melodramatic as that, but still, it´s a mighty odd feeling.School was… Read More
Hello to all our faithful blog-followers!
CAM just wrapped up the first ever free travel in Nicaragua. After getting up at to leave Antigua at 4:30am, we arrived at the airport and were bumped onto an earlier direct flight to Managua. The plane was empty, but we all sat next to each other anyway because we don´t like being apart for very long. Upon arrival in Managua we were immediately… Read More
Posting a bit late, but we just finished a week in the beautiful town of San Marcos.
We finished the trek in what we thought was San Pedro, only to realize we were in Epcot. The perfectly colorfully painted houses, wooden benches and trash cans, cobblestone streets and cleaning crews were there and everything. But we made our way to the launch and arrived in San Marcos, a spiritual community… Read More
Hola from Quetzaltenango (or Xela)!We were lucky enough to take private transport from Coban, as it is an 8 hour drive through mountainous terrain to Xela. Arriving Sunday evening, we were welcomed warmly at the language school Casa Xelaju, and driven (!?) to our individual homestays. The farthest homestay is a 15 minute walk. (I am the lucky one who gets to walk through le Parque Central many times a… Read More
This past week was spent in Chicacnab, an indigenous community high up in the cloud forests of Guatemala. We went there through an organization called Proyecto Ecologico Quetzal, a program that helps to provide sustainable work and incomes for families in the community. Our day of departure from Coban dawned with lots of fog and rain, and to get to Chicacnab we had to take two chicken buses and then… Read More
Back in Coban with electricity, internet, and all other trappings of civilization. To catch up a bit, we´re recapping San Andres.Day one, we all started our homestays, and some hit off well, while the unlucky ones still got warm smiles and a greeting. Not much more happened after that, to my knowledge, and the day ended quietly.Day two was our first day in language school, which we all enjoyed. In… Read More
Hello from San Andres!I am proud to introduce to you all the ninth member of our group: Patito the duck (pato being the Spanish word for duck). To recap, after we left Finca Ixobel we were assigned to our first homestay families. We were warmly welcomed into the community, and to ease the transition we stayed with another group member. We also ate our meals together as a group, which… Read More