Written by Nora Thomas, 2024-25 Latitudes Student So far this semester, I’ve spent my time traveling about the whole of Namibia!! I started my time by flying into Windhoek to be transferred to the main volunteer site at Na/ankuse. I spent two weeks are the main camp and got to participate in Anti Poaching Unit sleep out, carnivore feeding, and baboon walks. During my time here, I was able to… Read More
Written by Macey Tayler, 2023-24 Latitudes Student When I committed to going to a quaint little town, on the northern coast of Peru, I had no idea what to expect. Google Maps showed me pictures that could only be described as extraterrestrial; but for some reason, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Lobitos, Peru was where I needed to spend my individual placement with Carpe Diem. Now, eight weeks into… Read More
Written by Asa Poole, 2023-24 Latitudes StudentSettling into Jungle Life When I first stepped off the bus I was greeted by a friendly old man named Donnie. I loaded my bags into the back of his truck and jumped in. He started driving down a beautiful path through the jungle lined with giant ferns, and coconut trees. After a few amazing minutes we arrived at my new home, an… Read More
Written by William McCall Symms, 2023-24 Latitudes Student This semester has been an immensely enriching learning experience for me. Following a consistent schedule has been both demanding and enjoyable. Every day involves going out to collect data and conduct field research, not only on elephants but also on other species negatively impacted by humans, with the main focus being to reduce human-wildlife conflicts.
A great part of this experience… Read More
Written by Andres Huenneke, 2023-24 Latitudes Student Over this semester I have been in Namibia in Southern Africa working with animal conservation for an organization called Naankuse. I have transitioned between some different projects around the country. Every project deals with a different aspect of animal conservation and rehabilitation. I have been to four different projects so far and next week I will go to my fifth. Some projects are… Read More
Written by Anantya Mazi, 2023-24 Latitudes StudentSettling In and Finding Community La Hesperia is a forest reserve that rests above the small rural town of La Esperie. At the reserve, I was able to settle in quickly, especially with the help of the other volunteers working here, whom I now consider dear friends. On weekdays, Monday to Friday, we begin our days with breakfast at 7:30 am. Depending on… Read More
Written by Stella Kuramoto, 2023-24 Latitudes StudentExperiencing Independence and Wildlife Conservation This semester I experienced true independence and one of the most beautiful places in the whole world with one of my best friends whom I’ve met through Carpe. I’m six weeks in volunteering at the wildlife habitat and life could not be cooler. I spend my days taking care of incredible animals and learning all about conservation and… Read More
Written by Shloimy Goldberger, 2023-24 Latitudes StudentMy Experience at Repzootic I have spent this semester working at Repzootic, a small zoo in a town of about 300 in the rural southwest of Hungary, about an hour-long bus ride from the historical city of Pécs. I have spent much of my time in this town, as although there is surprisingly reliable public transport to Pécs, I’m only able to go… Read More
Written by Kyla Wendel, 2023-24 Latitudes StudentExperiencing the Beauty of Port Douglas Having been in Queensland my last semester, I thought I was prepared for the sheer beauty that is Port Douglas but I was mistaken. Already a month into my stay and I’m still in awe of my surroundings. The beautiful beaches and the tropical trees that surround them are jaw-dropping. I’ve been able to appreciate the natural… Read More
Written by Kora Battleson, 2023-24 Latitudes StudentExperience in Camarones, Ecuador: My experience this semester in a small town called Camarones (shrimp) along the coast of Ecuador has been incredible. One thing I love about the work I do is every day is different with some sort of surprise.
My week typically begins and ends with a hike through the reserve which usually takes about 4 hours to monitor monkeys.… Read More
Written by Kate Willoughby, 2022-23 Latitudes Student This semester I volunteered and worked at Kids Saving the Rainforest for 3 months in Costa Rica. Here, I worked in the animal sanctuary with their lovely animals and people that work here. I got the privilege to learn so much about wildlife and all of the animals in Costa Rica. I stayed on the property of Kids Saving the Rainforest in their… Read More
Written by Leora Wasserman, 2022-23 Latitudes Student My experience this semester in South Africa gave me the opportunity to gain knowledge, go on adventures, experience challenge, and create connections and memories to last a lifetime!
I began my journey in Johannesburg, with Tefo and Lucas, who were fantastic guides! Over the next couple days, I would learn about the history of South Africa and the apartheid history, by firstly visiting… Read More
Written by Chance Sands, 2022-23 Latitudes Student Chance is volunteering at Give and Surf in Bocas Del Toro, Panama It has been such an amazing experience. I have created long lasting friendships with my fellow volunteers and all of the teachers and students. I’ve also made so many memories, whether that be surfing, exploring, or my work at school.
What has been challenging this semester?
Definitely the language barrier. Although… Read More
Written by Abby McGullam, 2022-23 Latitudes Student My semester in South Africa has been a seedbed for personal, cultural, and experiential growth. My program with the nonprofit organization Dreamcatcher South Africa has been well-tailored to my interests, as well as my personal skills, ensuring that my impact in the township of Melkhoutfontein is a passionate and maximized one.
Before truly immersing myself, I learned about the heartbreaking apartheid history of… Read More
Written by Gabrielle D. Bennett, 2022-23 Latitudes Student My experiences in the small town of Comalapa have been nothing but incredible. Arriving in Comalapa, I stayed with a local family known for their art. One of my favorite things was walking through the pueblo and spotting different murals done by different family members. My favorite day to go into town is Sunday because of the markets. At the market, you… Read More
Written by Sam Stiles 2022-23 Latitudes Student Sawasdee everyone! My experience in Koh Tao has been enriching in many ways. It is a privilege to be a part of the vital work that New Heaven’s Reef Conservation Program does here. I am so glad to get the experience of protecting the ocean while using my passion for diving! I have also gotten the incredible opportunity to do my training to… Read More
Written by Danica Wolf, 2022-23 Latitudes Student Would you believe me if I told you my biggest fear was the ocean? When I signed up for the fall 2022 semester in Southeast Asia, I was not excited about getting my open water certification because I had been terrified of the ocean for years. However, after completing the certification, I found myself utterly calm diving. In fact, I felt more fear… Read More
Written by Mateo Lombard, 2022-23 Latitudes Student My semester started in South India a few hours away from Chennai, at a place called Sadhana Forest. This place is a vegan community that focuses on reforestation and water conservation. At the time I arrived, Sadhana Forest was hosting a huge Vegan Festival that took place over three days. Guests were able to camp out and enjoy many workshops and free meals… Read More
Written by Talia, 2022-23 Latitudes Student My typical weekday begins with two snoozed alarms, followed by a hasty rush out the door to catch the 59 bus. I arrive at school at 9:35, late as always, with a sheepish grin. During our first break, I walk to the Tienda de Cafe with my friend Anna, for a café con leche and two medialunas. After school I catch the 67 to… Read More
Written by Kate Sandoval, 2022-23 Latitudes Student Arriving on a beautiful Sunday afternoon (beautiful by the Seattle Washington definition), I settled in the small apartments in Las Rosas to meet my first roommate, Vanessa. Daniela and Misael of Biosean allowed me a couple days of downtime until Nathalie, our third roommate arrived. Vanessa showed me a little intro of the beautiful beaches and led me around to memorize the necessities… Read More