Follow the Journey
Carpe Mundi
Written by Bitsy Bond-Perez, a student from our non-profit partner Carpe Mundi
February 29th: From February 25th to March 3rd we are staying in Protovillage! “A prototype of a resilient rural community.” And by rural they mean that, in the state of Andhra Pradesh we are 25 minutes away from the closest village. We are surrounded by all types of trees and plants in mostly flat farmland. Besides the houses…
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Written by Kailash Biswa and Lucas Barrera, students from our non-profit partner Carpe Mundi
Since we came, we’ve been to a lot of places, seeing new things. Temples, shrines, new land…We visited the moon, the sun, and the earth. While we were flying across Russia, 18 hours, 13,000 Kilometers away…
We’ve been very busy, going from place to place. Chai shops, watermelon stands, and the loud, busy city of Bangalore.…
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Written by Soumya, Southeast Asia Overseas Educator
In collaboration with our non-profit partner Carpe Mundi
I’m sitting in the sweltering heat at a cafe along one of Chiang Mai’s quiet streets, noticeably still after all of the Songkran festivities and more recently, the departure of our very own Pon Lue crew. By the time you read this, you will likely be in your own beds in Portland, eyes gazing blankly…
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Written by Kat & Lucky, Southeast Asia Semester students
In collaboration with our non-profit partner Carpe Mundi
After our brief yet amazing time in Phnom Penh, we began our 3 hour journey. Jammed into one van with our belongings, we met up with our good friend Sela, who speaks great English, and his family. We arrived at VitaminAir!
Upon our arrival, we were greeted with the peace of nature, complimented…
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Written by Dulce & Hayden, Southeast Asia Semester students
In collaboration with our non-profit partner Carpe Mundi
We started our week off by boat, traveling to the floating villages. We met our fun tour guide Yusef. Upon arriving, we got to the nonprofit, Osmose, who provided our meals for the entire stay. After a delicious plate of rice, veggies, meat, and fruit we headed to meet our host families.
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Written by Levi, Southeast Asia Semester student
In collaboration with our non-profit partner Carpe Mundi
This last week, we traded our cushy, air-conditioned rooms in Siem Reap for cozy cabin beds with bug nets in (near?) Battambang. We stayed at Pteu Teuk Dong (PTD), a school that is part of a NGO focused on international education access and community development. We were welcomed and introduced to the program by program…
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Written by Southeast Asia Overseas Educators, Carol & Soumya
In collaboration with our non-profit partner Carpe Mundi
We arrived in Cambodia! We spent a week in Siem Reap getting oriented to our semester, regional culture and language, learning how to stay healthy and safe, and exploring the cultural gem that is Angkor Wat. We spent time with local contact extraordinaire Cho, who guided us through three days exploring historic and…
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The Southeast Asia semester students (our friends at
Carpe Mundi) have arrived safely! Although tired from their long journey, they’re excited to get started exploring with their two expert leaders, Soumya and Carol. So thrilled to see this group smiling and ready for adventure!…
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