What is Carpe Mundi?
Together, Carpe Diem and Carpe Mundi support greater Portland, OR students from low-income families to earn a year of highly-mentored college credit and embark on an experiential college semester. Carpe Diem provides the office and facilities for Carpe Mundi, as well as provides every Carpe Mundi student a significant scholarship to make the experience financially accessible. Carpe Mundi fundraises to provide mentorship and scholarship funds, in addition to Carpe Diem’s, so that students can focus on their personal growth and completing their college coursework. Carpe Mundi's two primary gap year partners are Carpe Diem and Where There Be Dragons, and they recruit students from a number of local Portland organizations and schools, most notably TRIO and Future Connect at Portland Community College.

How Does It Work?
Carpe Mundi’s model is effective because it doesn't stop at scholarships, Carpe Mundi provides students with a year of mentorship and a supportive peer learning cohort, before and after their international semester, so that students have support in navigating any barriers that may arise that could compromise their ability to travel and have a fulfilling experience. On average, a Carpe Mundi student receives 130 hours of mentorship and group-time before and after their international experience. Carpe Mundi’s goal is to empower students from low-income backgrounds to reach their full potential through international learning experiences and mentorship. In a recent survey, 91% of Carpe Mundi alumni said that after participating in Carpe Mundi they are more motivated and empowered to pursue their goals.
As of 2024, 155 students have traveled through Carpe Mundi, 149 with Carpe Diem:
- 100% of those students were eligible for the Federal Pell Grant
- 73% of those students identify as female
- 70% identify as Students of Color
Together Carpe Diem and Carpe Mundi are changing what it means to increase access to transformational gap year programming, acknowledging that scholarships are only the first step towards making an incredible opportunity feel possible and safe for students who might have never imagined themselves in another country.
To learn more about Carpe Mundi, visit their website at www.carpemundi.org or follow them on social media @carpemundipdx.

You Can Help!
Be a part of making gap year programming accessible to more students!
While Carpe Diem provides a significant scholarship to each Carpe Mundi student, your support and advocacy contributes to keeping costs minimal for students, and providing them with a year of mentorship before and after their experience. Here are ways you can support:
- Make a donation on Carpe Mundi’s website
- Sign up to make a recurring monthly donation - Carpe Mundi supports students all throughout the year, and you can too!
- Sign up for email updates from Carpe Mundi to hear the latest about student adventures and upcoming events
- Follow Carpe Mundi on social media @carpemundipdx

“The Hillary I knew before the trip was so different than the Hillary I grew to know during my two months in Central America. The old Hillary never did anything that was outside of her comfort zone and was afraid to be a leader. The new Hillary is brave, independent, and is always seeking opportunities to grow and get out of her comfort zone.”
- Hillary,
Central America
“I’ve encouraged myself to do more things. A lot of those negative “what ifs?” have changed to more positive. I think to myself, “what if I get to travel more, what if I get to live in Vietnam for a couple of years because I really liked it there, or what if I get the career that I want, and what if I’m happy?” And I just feel kind of more independent than I used to be.... I’m happy that a lot of my “what ifs?” have turned into possibilities.”
- Nitzny,
Southeast Asia
“This program has helped me so much with that. I am more in-tune with my mind, body and emotions, my needs, wants and dreams than I have ever been. Ever since our first trek in ToroToro, I have learned to check in with myself everyday. To notice how my body as well as my mind were doing, to notice any pain, to pay attention to what my body was trying to tell me, to notice my emotions and ask myself why I was feeling the way I did. Learning to take my pain seriously and that I need to be my biggest advocate because no one knows me like how I do; that’s the importance of getting to know yourself.”
- Mancala,
South America (gratitude to Where There Be Dragons)