10 Best Photos of SERVICE from #CDEphotos2014

To learn about a culture while working alongside people from that culture is a gift not many are afforded. The friendships, relationships, skills, and memories you each created while volunteering on your semester abroad are special.

During week 4 of the Carpe Diem photo contest, we were given a glimpse into your service learning experiences. We were so touched by the number of people who appeared in your photos – it is clear to us that, of all of your experiences overseas, you truly value the friendships you made while there most.

Read on for our 10 favorite photo entries as well as the WINNER!

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And the winner is….



"These are the gloves that went though every service project during my three months in the South Pacific. Once upon a time they were green, but these gloves have seen quite a lot since then. They got me through building foot paths and collecting rocks in Nananu, helped me avoid splinters while chopping wood in NZ, kept my hands free of cow cacca on Tom and PJ's farm, got me through pulling weeds and trail building in South Australia, and kept my hands (somewhat) dry during Seva at Preema Shanti. These gloves have seen a lot. So, no less than six holes, three pieces of skateboard duct tape, and quite a few stitches later my Carpe gloves have been retired from their days of service. Now they get to be a representation of all the good memories they carry."

CONGRATS! And a huge "Thank you!" to everyone who submitted photos for week 4 of our contest.

Get ready for next week and another shot at a $50 gift card! Starting Monday, we want to see snapshots of QUIET moments. Whether with a book in hand, a bow, a prayer, a quiet morning… tag us! #CDEphotos2014 will be filled with photos of spirituality this week.