
From City Streets to Campfire Beats: Our Transformative Week in Paladini, Italy

Written by Italy & Greece Student, Hudsyn Toppenberg What’s New in Our Journey? The past week has been full of incredible experiences in unlikely places. The group traveled by train to a quaint campsite called Paladini, nestled beautifully in the region of Garfagnana. It was quite an adjustment for the group to go from a big and bustling city like Florence to a rustic campsite, and it definitely took some… Read More

Trekking New Heights: Peaks, Festivals, and Celebrations in Nepal

  Written by India & Nepal Students, Sarah Ross and Ioan Asher What’s New in Our Journey? Hi everyone!!! Sarah and Iona here, reporting live from a café in Udaipur, India (we’re always on the hunt for a sweet treat). Last week, after saying goodbye to our friends from Conscious Impact, we departed on a three-hour jeep ride with our guides, Suvash and Sandesh, to the beginning of our trek.… Read More

Embracing New Rhythms: Education and Adventure in Xela

Written by Central America Students, Summer and Nico What’s New? Hello families! Sorry for the late blog post, the last 3 weeks have been packed with many adventures and laughs! We’re now writing from Lake Atitlan where we’ve been relaxing at the bamboo house and learning about Permaculture! We started off our first week in Xela at a local hostel taking 1:1 Spanish lessons at PLQ. We explored the city… Read More

Navigating New Waters: Scuba Certification and Urban Exploration Down Under

  Written by South Pacific Students, Julia T. (JT) and Julia M. What’s New in Our Journey? This week the SoPac group got to explore the Great Barrier Reef and earn our scuba certifications! We spent time building a connection to the water and learning how to navigate the depths safely. We grew physically and mentally, surviving the somewhat intense sea sickness that came with being on a boat multiple… Read More

Life at ClimateForce: A Week of Fun, Hard Work, and Making a Difference

Written by South Pacific Students, Grace and Gabe What’s New in Our Journey? Hello from your friends Gabe and Grace, the current leaders of the week! It has been a whole week since the last blog, and boy oh boy, are there updates! Starting off the week, we completed our second food shop of the trip, and it was by far our biggest one yet. We purchased seven days’ worth… Read More

Journey Through Italy: Hiking Trails, Medieval Battles, and the Best Gelato!

Written by Italy & Greece Students, Ally and Malcom What’s New in Our Journey? Welcome back! We just finished our trek on the Via Francigena, visiting our first two cities, Florence and Siena. The group enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the trek and admired the historic architecture in both cities. Along the way, we had the chance to bake bread, try medieval sword fighting, and visit the world’s best gelato… Read More

Living Simply, Living Fully: A Week of Gratitude at Conscious Impact

  Written by India & Nepal Students, Ava Mendler and Stephanie Jones After our restful and rejuvenating time at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, we embarked on a wild four-hour jeep ride through the winding roads of Nepal and arrived at Conscious Impact (aka camp), our new home for the next eight days. I (Steph) arrived at camp riding the high of the sick jeep ride. The first thing on the… Read More

Rainforest Adventures and Real-World Learning: A Week of Growth at SheOak Ridge and ClimateForce

Written by South Pacific Students, Caroline and Susannah What’s New in Our Journey? Hello, world!! Greetings from your Leaders of the Week, Caroline and Susannah. We’ve had another great week here in the Daintree Rainforest and are excited to share our adventures with you. We started our week at SheOak Ridge and continued our work with our lovely hosts, Claire and Marcus. We took down a wallaby pen, put up… Read More

A Week of Cultural Immersion and Sustainable Building in Guatemala

  Written by Central America Overseas Educators, Andy & JB What’s New? The program started in Antigua, Guatemala for orientation. The group quickly found its footing as we explored the town and created a culture amongst everyone. As the first couple of days went by, we explored markets, reviewed the itinerary for the next 10 weeks, and got to know each other more before heading to Comalapa, Guatemala for our… Read More

From Exploring Airports to Ashram Life: Our First Week Journey of Connection, Culture, and Growth in Nepal

Written by India & Nepal Students, Nina Shear and Mae What’s New? A Girls’ Trip + Anand This is our first official blog of our journey to Nepal and India, and we have so much to share. Our adventure began at the San Francisco airport, where we met as a group for the first time. Mae and I had already faced our first airport challenges together, nearly missing our flight… Read More

Building Community and Connection in Italy: Our Journey at Panta Rei

Written by Italy & Greece Students, Hudsyn and Allie What’s New in Our Journey? We kicked off our journey at Panta Rei! It’s a beautiful community where we learned useful Italian phrases and how to live more sustainably within our surroundings. Building a community was a new experience for all of us—new people, a new environment. A strong community requires trust, effort, and leadership. We faced challenges, overcame our addiction… Read More

Cairns to the Daintree: New Adventures, Wallabies, and Overcoming Challenges

Written by South Pacific Students, Grace and Caroline What’s New in Our Journey? After our long flights, we safely arrived in Cairns! Mary and Sushi bravely drove on the opposite side of the road for the first time and got us to our lovely hostel. For lunch, we ventured to our first Australian shopping mall and indulged in some food court delicacies. We spent a good first night at the… Read More

Arrival in Panta Rei: Terra Group’s Journey of Firsts, Connections, and New Beginnings

Written by Italy & Greece Overseas Educator, Chelsea Van Eck Ciao! After months of preparing for this day, I’m ecstatic to say the group has successfully arrived at our first stop in Italy, Panta Rei! It’s been an eventful 48 hours as we traversed planes, trains, and buses to arrive at our destination and settle into a new space and community. To paint a picture of what these first few… Read More

Buongiorno from Your Terra Overseas Educators: We’re Excited for a Journey of Learning, Connection, and Gelato!

Written by Italy & Greece Overseas Educators, Maggie and Chelsea Some interesting tidbits about your leaders: Maggie calls both Colorado and Scotland home and is passionate about climbing, mountain biking, climate justice, and mental health advocacy. Chelsea, a Midwest native, has called Korea, D.C., Wisconsin, and Florida home. She enjoys spending time with her nieces and nephews, going on nature walks, and learning people’s stories as she travels. They both… Read More

Hello from Your Walkabout Overseas Educators – We’re Excited to Journey With You This Semester!

Written by South Pacific Overseas Educators, Mary and Shushi Hello, SoPac Cohort 2024! We are super excited to journey with you this semester in Australia & New Zealand! 😊 Mary (she/her) and Sushi (she/they) here, your Overseas Educators! Mary is thrilled to be returning to Carpe Diem, as she loves to travel, share her passions for ecology and anthropology, and learn and laugh with students. Sushi is excited for her… Read More

Greetings from the Shanti Overseas Educators: Prepare for an Unforgettable Adventure!

Written by India & Nepal Overseas Educators, Tara and Anand Greetings earthlings! Here we are in rainy Portland, just returned from a rambunctious scavenger hunt. Some things that Tara learned about Anand: He’s very playful and masterful in chess and pickleball ♟️ 🟡 He hails from Pune, India 🇮🇳 He has a deep understanding of leadership and developing a curriculum around it 🌟 Things Anand learned about Tara:  Tara would… Read More

Meet Your Quetzal Overseas Educators & Get Ready for an Exciting Journey Ahead!

Written by Central America Overseas Educators, Andy & Jubitza 👋 Hola!  Andy and Jubitza here, writing to you from Portland, Oregon. We’ve been in training for the last couple of days, with a few more to go before setting off on this awesome adventure ahead of us. Here’s a quick rundown of who we are and what excites us about the next three months: Andy is from Wyoming and recently… Read More

Making Waves: How RJ Lichten, 2024 Carpe Vitam Community Award Winner, Turned Passion Into Purpose

Written by RJ Lichten – 2024 Carpe Vitam Community Award: Education, Spring 2023 South Pacific Alum Finding your path is much more than following what you love; it is about aligning your passions with actions that make a difference. Once you find your passion, any action can have a significant impact. These small actions could be anything from volunteering your time to an organization you truly care about, to something… Read More

I ❤️ Lobitos : Macey’s Latitudes Year in Peru

Written by Macey Tayler, 2023-24 Latitudes Student When I committed to going to a quaint little town, on the northern coast of Peru, I had no idea what to expect. Google Maps showed me pictures that could only be described as extraterrestrial; but for some reason, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Lobitos, Peru was where I needed to spend my individual placement with Carpe Diem. Now, eight weeks into… Read More

Reflecting on Our Central America Adventure: 10 Weeks of Exploration, Learning, and Growth

Written by Central America Overseas Educators, Malcolm and Jasmin It’s hard to believe our ten weeks together in Central America have come to an end. How is it that we won’t all be sharing a meal later today or waking up groggy-eyed tomorrow before another adventure? We formed such close bonds and integrated into each other’s lives throughout our wonderful semester together, filled with exploration, new challenges, and lots of… Read More