Hello again from the OZ trip. Well, the WOOF Farm is absolutely amazing, tough work, but very very fun. We have already been here for a week and in that week we have mostly been planting trees. In three days, we planted a total of 1200 trees. To plant the trees, we had to first use a grubber (pick axe) to dig a small hole maybe 5 inches deep and… Read More

Back in Delhi and Getting Ready for Rishikesh

Hi All =] We are back (and for the most part healthier thankfully) in Delhi after spending 5 glorious days trekking through Hemis National Park in the vast Himalayan mountain range. In what has been the highlight of the trip so far for many, we typically hiked a few hours each day while spending the rest of the time partaking in Himalayan homestays. The people we met and lived with… Read More
We arrived in Aukland a few days ago, and it was a great recharge to be in a big city after Nananu. We had some relaxing time, did a little bit of shopping, ate a lot of food. We all bought clean clothes, which felt good after wearing the same dirty outfits for the first few weeks. Aukland is such a beautiful city. It was great just to walk around… Read More


Hello Everybody~We’ve finally arrived in Kolkata, after an overnight train ride, after a five hour jeep from Gangtok. We said our longing goodbyes to the majestic Himalayan town up in the jungles. The drive was beautiful along the Teetsa river, which is wide, fast, and brown. We got a flat tire, but the driver fixed it in no time. We arrived at Mgp train station and it started to feel… Read More

Week Two in San Andres

Hello, everyone!It is a warm Thursday afternoon, and we are all lounging at the internet cafe in Flores. The weather this week has been much cooler, so we have been enjoying the sun without sweltering in the humidity.Last Saturday, we took a weekend trip to Tikal. We piled into a van in the morning and headed off. Along the way, we stopped at the fantastic Maxi Bodega to pick up… Read More

Only the beginning

After saying our last goodbyes in battambang we backed up and headed to Siem Reap. Seven hours of travel by boat and we arrived at our new home, Nita Villa, for a couple days. Our first day was spent touring a silk farm and learning the meticulous process of silk weaving, all the way from silk worm to silk shirt. Later that day we also got to see some stone… Read More

First week in Jinja!

Hello everyone Kate and Lihi here… The past week has been full of adventure, hard work, and mzungus. Early sunday morning we left Kampala and traveled to Jinja by bus. We arrived at Adrift Hostel surprised to see so many mzungus (white people). We were split into two different groups for rafting on the White Nile River. Kate was with Curry, Kevin, Matt, Aura, Jessie, Clairen and a South African… Read More

The Jungle

Greeting from la familia,I´m going to begin this blog with an apology for my spelling. I have no spellcheck, and it shows throughout the blog. After our “2” hour bus ride through the Cloud Forest, we spent the night in a comfortable hostel in the jungle town of Pilcotambo. As we stepped off the bus we could immediatly feel the difference in the air and temperature. In the mountains, the… Read More

Gangtok and trekking in Sikkim!

hello devoted readers!hope all is going well at your end. My apologies for the blog coming so late.After our stay in the sleepy town of Darjeeling, we headed off to Gangtok in a hired seven passenger jeep. After a long 6 hours of travel which included stopping for meals, permits and snack breaks, finally made it to our destination. We then made our way down to the main strip of… Read More

Zik’s Last Email! (hopefully)

Zik here one last time, happy to report that Kevin DIDN’T tell me a bold faced lie about having posted to the blog when we were back in Kampala. As it turned out, he saw a “Posted Successfully” message and thought he was done. I didn’t actually believed he would have intentionally deceived me anyway, so when several of his teammates vouched for him, the “honesty” part of the meeting… Read More
We left the village of Nananu on September 28th (day 16). Little did we know we’d be leaving behind so much of our hearts. Nananu became a home away from home. We became a part of a community with inspiring family values and work ethic. Everyone in the village has a role and every plays their part without hesitation, without complaint. Together, they would support one another, look after the… Read More


Hey all! I get to be the first one to post about our white water rafting day. I loved it. Honest and truly. Zik kept on laughing on me…because I just had this grin plastered to my face for the first three hours. I dunno how they’re gonna top this adventure…but it was just gloriously awesome to swim and raft and (foreshadowing here!) get washed away in rapids in the… Read More


Hi everyone! We arived in Kampala about two weeks ago eager to start working on a project. We moved to Fort Portal and worked at a orphanage through YES! organization building a cow pen and a chicken coop. It was so amazing to see how much they appreciated our work. We stayed in quiet Fort Portal for about ten days. I’m pretty sure everyone will agree that we liked Fort… Read More


Hey y’all everyone has basically said everything, I just have a few things to add. Every one’s great and this is a wonderful experience, and everyone is safe. Working in Fort Portal was a growing experience and we hope to grow even more!!! I miss you mom and dad and the fam. times up and i got to go. goodbye everyone!!… Read More


Hey everyone!I have no idea what I can say that everyone else hasn’t already said. We got back to Kampala yesterday and since that is where we began it kinda felt like coming home. Then I realized we still have a couple more months here. I know I speak for everyone when I say that we’re excited for those months. We had a great time building and actually getting to… Read More


hello everyone i am sorry that my last post for some reason did not post. i logged on and clicked publish post and it said successfully posted. i tried to update you on the projects that we were doing and that we were alright. again i am very sorry for the inconvenience. Dear parents i’m sorry you had to hear that we are all lazy irresponsible children from our leaders… Read More


Hey everyone! Sorry it’s been so long since we’ve posted.. It’s hard to get internet here… especially since we didn’t have much access in Fort Portal. Well anyways… we’re back in Kampala after being in Fort Portal for a while. Fort Portal was beautiful. It was so green and it had the most amazing sky. We stayed at YES hostel (Youth Encouragement Services) hosted by Carol Adams, an American who… Read More


Hey everyone, Everything is great here, we are all having fun.As everyone else said before we just came back from Fort Portal which was fun and especially much more quiet.We now have a free day in Kampala before going to Jinja. Hopefully it will be fun as well.… Read More


hola a todos..ya estamos de vuelta en Kampala..todo fenomenal! anyways..were doing great so far..last night Kevin and i tried posting something we wrote but apparently something went wrong and it never really got posted! sorry about that.. anyways..we were sayiung that Fort Portal was amazing..part of the group got to work at Roses(one of the girls that worked for Carol Adams)house building a chiken coop and the other half of… Read More