5 Nights In Bangkok and a Moken Village

Hello one and all-Completed our student ran free travel which we spent exploring the vast complexities of Bangkok. It was a little hard getting used to the city life, which was far more hectic than Chiang Mia. Regardless the city was great. Spent one of the days doing a cooking course which varied with 10 courses and a trip to the market to know what we were using. And with… Read More


Hey everyone! This is Stacy here to catch you all up on our adventures. So after our language schools / chaotic countryside indigenous children elementary school adventure, we headed to the coast to visit a spiritual retreat called Sumai. There, the plan was to spend a week recuperating after our final language schools and learn some things about yoga as well as native shamanism. When we arrived, however, we found… Read More

Home Stretch!

It’s been a very busy two weeks! It began with the group being split into two different groups for our work with the CVA (Conservation Volunteers Australia): Group one consisted of Alana, Chris, Annie, and Lindsay. Group two was Tracy, Ryan, Sarah, and Zach. It was a surprise to us all, and it was really weird splitting up the group after having been together for so long! Alana, Chris, Annie… Read More

The group is A-OK

This is Ethan here, just wanting to reassure any worried parents in the light of the Mumbai tragedy that the group is doing well and are meditating their way through Thanksgiving at an ashram about 280 miles from Mumbai. They don’t have access to the internet at the ashram at the moment so I’m making this quick post: the group is OK and they are quite safe. Please stay tuned… Read More
Namaste!!! This will be a quick blog to first wish everyone a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! We all just spent the day together, with the feelings of gratefulness emanating from us all about being together…and also for having the love and support from our family and friends at home. So grateful of all of the eye-opening and soul enhancing experiences we have had here. Also just to let everyone know, we… Read More


Our first few days in Rishikesh were very relaxing. We were able to explore the yoga capital of the world and reflect on our experiences in India thus far. Some of us took the opportunity of the clean Ganges water to wash our sins away. We dunked in the water 3 times, as is customary in the hindu culture. The water was cold and clear, but very refreshing.We also had… Read More

IWP and Home Sweet Home

Welcome back faithful readers, hope all who read this are doing as well as Team Seasia. After our adventures in Chiang Mia, the troop set off for IWP, a women’s justice center located in Mae Rim. There we learned much about Buddhism, eachother, and our inner being; deep stuff. There was a tight schedule of meditation of various sorts throughout the day; from sitting mediation, to walking meditation, to yoga.… Read More


So now that the majority of us are certified Thai Massage therapists and Basic Healing practitioners, not to mention professional musicians, we have the time and energy to greet the Dali Lama as he pulls into his Temple after long travels. He has returned to his home in India! We are very fortunate to be here during the time of his presence although speeches will only begin after our departure.… Read More


So we arrived in Moshi last Friday, which was pretty exciting. We took a bus and it was only like an hour from Arusha, which was pretty nice. We got a spectacular view of Mt. Kilimanjaro on the way. We settled into Kilimanjaro Backpackers Hotel, which has ceiling fans that the man room thoroughly enjoyed (Don’t ask why). David also celebrated our arrival by shaving his “facial hair.” Everyone was… Read More

Calcutta – The City of Joy

Hey everyone!We hope this message finds all of you very well. Today is our last day in Calcutta, also known as the City of Joy. For the past week, we have all been very busy. We have been volunteering at various Mother Teresa houses, such as Kalighat, Prem Dan, and Shishu Bhavan. The houses range from those that care for the destitute and dying to those that provide a childhood… Read More

San Jaun del Sur and Parque Madaras

Last week was amazing! We arrived in San Jaun del Sur last Sunday and made our way down a nonexistant road through a river to the beautiful Playa Madaras and Parque Madaras. Parque Madaras was absolutely amazing, whatever any of us had been expecting, this was not it! Our rooms all had ocean views and we were served the best food of our entire trip here. We each even had… Read More
So, we’re currently sitting in what’s known as the “Big Love Cafe” here at the Chenrezig Institute. The meals are huge (and healthy…) and we love our motel style suites, which keep out the multiple species of highly poisonous everythings that live in Australia. We were all a little bleary-eyed upon our arrival, due to the highly comfortable all night train ride, but we were served a delicious pasta dish… Read More

From the Bodhi Tree to the Urban Jungle

Hola Lolas! After a delightful goodbye dance/Halloween party thrown in our honor in Varanasi, we departed for a “saturation in Buddhism” aka Bodhgaya aka the Bodhi Tree aka awesomeness. We arrived at the tranquil Butanese temple, where we spent our three nights. Surrounding the area were temples from all over Asia — we were able to visit the intricately designed temples of Thailand, Vietnam, Tibet, Japan, and THE BIG BUDDHA.… Read More

Adventures In Bir!!!

Hello devoted readers! Namaste!Our stay in Bir as turned out to be an incredibly pleasant one, full of self discovery and exploration. We lodged up in the ‘Deer Park Institute’, which is a center for anceint Indian wisdom! The days were started off with a hearty breakfast (provided by the staff of ‘Deer Park’) followed by a few brief introductary lessons into meditation, which proved to be extremely calming and… Read More

last day bangata/pete o’neal

soo before we start talking about UAACC(united African alliance community centre), the place we are staying at right now we have a couple of things to add to Camilles and Auras last post,regarding last night and day at Bangata. we could start describing the last 48 hours at the village as pretty “eventful”. We wake up the morning of the 4th, with Curry and Zik having to tell just a… Read More

Fun Fun at Pun Pun (and in Chiang Mai)

Greetings,apologies on the lateness of this message as well. A week and a half or so ago, seasia traveled to Pun Pun organic farm to learn about organic farming (obviously). There we learned from nightly slideshows the importance of seed saving and the ease of earthen building.We did a variety of different tasks every day. One day we made compost, a mixture of manure, old straw, banana leaves, and EM… Read More
sweet! our whole group from left to right :Mychal, Sofia, Ashley, Will, Jack, Adam, HeatherUp above Bir, from a place where SO many paragliders take off everyday. More later.Much प्यारshanti… Read More
We are currently in Sydney, after a fairly laid back week in Lyttelton. We did a few days of work for the department of conservation, clearing off a stone wall, which was completely hidden by trees and other plants. We also visited Kokoratata, where there was a group of boys and men aged eight to fifty. These men were at this establishment in order to become more connected with their… Read More
गोल्डन तेम्प्ले Golden Temple in Amritsar! Imagine this lit up at night… swimming in pray flags! Just out the back door from Deer Park Institute:-)… Read More

One month left…

It´s November! We are in Granada in Nicaragua, on our last night here for Day of the Dead. In preparation they painted the cemetary with a fresh coat of white and there are traditional yellow flowers sold everywhere in the street. Granada is a beautiful, colonial-era city on Lake Nicaragua which we boated on Wednesday afternoon. It was a little stormy but we landed at an old fortress, and from… Read More