Omm Govenda Ommmm.

We just got back from our Yoga retreat. Wow, what an amazing experience that was. We got there Sunday night, and started right into a yoga philosopy class. We learned about the begining of yoga. We had our first yoga class that night. That night was really just spent relaxing and getting our yoga on. We started our next day and everyday after that, with a session of meditation, then… Read More

pitch black sandy beaches

4/20 2:00pm we caught our bus for a 4hr bus ride to San Jose to spend the night before our journey to the turtle project. San Jose was nice but we were all mostly pretty tired and took the night to relax, eat, and catch up on our e-mails, facebook, blogs, etc. before enjoying our first all ladies dorm room hehe sorry timo and nico! The next morning we woke… Read More

Swine Flu – Update from Carpe Diem HQ

The following is a post recently made to our FAQ page that we wanted to include to all of you who might be reading this blog. Swine flu has recently been confirmed throughout Mexico and parts of the US. A few other countries have also reported possible infections. While we’re in touch with the CDC and monitoring all of the international news we can put our hands on, we also… Read More

Swine Flu – Update from Carpe Diem HQ

The following is a post recently made to our FAQ page that we wanted to include to all of you who might be reading this blog. Swine flu has recently been confirmed throughout Mexico and parts of the US. A few other countries have also reported possible infections. While we’re in touch with the CDC and monitoring all of the international news we can put our hands on, we also… Read More

Swine Flu – Update from Carpe Diem HQ

The following is a post recently made to our FAQ page that we wanted to include to all of you who might be reading this blog. Swine flu has recently been confirmed throughout Mexico and parts of the US. A few other countries have also reported possible infections. While we’re in touch with the CDC and monitoring all of the international news we can put our hands on, we also… Read More

Sitting on Top of the World

Well, sort of. Our half of the group is in Ladakh, which is at around 10,000 ft. elevation. The four of us agree that this is one of the coolest, most amazing places we’ve ever been to, hands down. To get here we took an overnight bus from McLeod Ganj to Delhi, which wasn’t exactly fun, but was actually more comfortable than some (much longer and less nice) trips I’ve… Read More
We left Pilcopata after our almuerzo(lunch), loaded up the 4×4 that would take all of our food to the community, and headed out on foot to Huancaria. Our jungle stroll took us about two hours, hiking on rough muddy roads with just our water bottles. We met our Jeep in the main plaza of the town, picked up all our supplies and walked another ten minutes to the raised and… Read More

Welcome to the Jungle.

Hi all! Sorry its been so long- we have just been so so busy! So last week, after a lovely couple of days in the beautiful city of Cusco, the group set off onto a ten day expedition… to the jungle. It took us a few days to get out there being that it was so far away and we made a few pit stops. We left Cusco on Tuesday,… Read More

Varanasi, one billion degrees

SO!we just finally landed in Varanasithe previously lush land of FAR too many peopleis now dusty and deserted.although still amazing.we are currently staying in the plushest and poshest hotel any of us have stayed in, while in indiait is AIR CONDITIONED!!!!!!!!!!let me repeat that AIR CONDITIONED!!!!!!!!!!!and it is so hot here that nothing could be finerexcept perhaps attractive people fanning us with palm branchesbut that just didn’t fit into our… Read More

Rogue Travel Begins (aka Free Travel)

Ok, lets get down to business. We finished our time at Deer Park, doing our volunteer work, meditating, hiking, watching sunsets, sitting in the sun and finding a bit of a haven from the madness of India. The boys, aided by Willa, Chrys and Hilary, made a compost system. All in a days work. Karen made a huge statue out of trash for Earth Day. Some of the projects were… Read More
We just finished a week in complete and total paradise, in the form of the ecological resort-in-progress Parque Maderas. Last Sunday we left Leon at 9 am for the four hour drive to San Juan Del Sur, arriving at Parque Maderas in the heat of the early afternoon. However, we pretty much forgot about being hot once we discovered where we were. Parque Maderas is run by Tyler, who grew… Read More

What a day-a, TAYODEA.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh….how to describe our last two weeks…?Well, to start off, the leader of the organization introduced the conference as a scam (Not too promising). The first few days were pretty shaky. Our room had cracked walls and maybe a few ghosts and Carrye’s bed was eternally wet, but it gradually started to become more comfortable. The town we were in is called Mlalo and is located in the mountains and… Read More

Triviaaa whaaaaaa.

Well I didn´t have this weeks trivia on my lost post, so here it is guys! Peru is one of the leading exporters for paprika, and asparagus. As well as gold, and they have some of the best silver you will ever find! As a lack of education in Peru, they arent able to really get into the exprting as other countries are. So they sit on the moto of… Read More

Tim´s Second Edition

I really have no idea how I´m going to make this a satisfying report for all you out there, but I am certainly going to try…This week was our last in language school, and everyone is starting to feel a little awed by the rapidly approaching end date, coming to destroy all our fun. Well, maybe not all so melodramatic as that, but still, it´s a mighty odd feeling.School was… Read More

Jugo de Rana.

Well tomorrow we have our last day in Spanish school. These last 2 weeks have been filled with learning and new experiences. Today at school a few of us travel to the market, where some of us saw things we didn´t really want to see. Parts of animals that should never be shown. I know my teachers were trying to make me try Frog Juice….Ehhhhhh, no thanks! :-/ It definantly… Read More

deer park

hey there party people-After a long week of traveling we have finally made it to Deer Park in Bihar colony. There is a lot to recap since our last post was from sikkim. So here is goes…From sikkim we took a taxi to darjeeling. Darjeeling was pretty rainy and cold, but we tried to make the best out it. We visited the tibetan self-help center where they sell hand made… Read More

Colca Canyon.

Well this weekend, we hiked to the bottom of the 2nd deepest canyon in the WORLD! And there is only a couple 100 meter difference between the first and second. Sheese it was a crazy weekend, we woke up on Saturday morning around 3:30 am, and got on to a bus and tried to sleep since we knew we had a long day ahead of our selfs. We arrived to… Read More

Freedom in Nicaragua

Hello to all our faithful blog-followers! CAM just wrapped up the first ever free travel in Nicaragua. After getting up at to leave Antigua at 4:30am, we arrived at the airport and were bumped onto an earlier direct flight to Managua. The plane was empty, but we all sat next to each other anyway because we don´t like being apart for very long. Upon arrival in Managua we were immediately… Read More

Spiritual Retreat?

Posting a bit late, but we just finished a week in the beautiful town of San Marcos. We finished the trek in what we thought was San Pedro, only to realize we were in Epcot. The perfectly colorfully painted houses, wooden benches and trash cans, cobblestone streets and cleaning crews were there and everything. But we made our way to the launch and arrived in San Marcos, a spiritual community… Read More


Hello Lima, wait, no, hello Arequipa! We only took a pit stop in the Lima airport to use our first Soles, and taste some fantastic gelatto. And now here we are, settled in with our families, getting used to the groove of Spanish school, and spending our afternoons walking around the Plaza de Armas under the hottest sun in the world, so says Jenn’s homestay Dad Freddy. But Freddy also… Read More