Zippy maybe the Zippiest

Hola from Costa Rica!After traveling on bus for most of yesterday we made it. But before we got here we did some awesome things at Parque Mederas. We helped the family to build the kiln for Tyler and even got to try our hands at spinning a pot on the foot powered wheel, its a lot harder than it looks or sounds. Before we left we even got to see… Read More

Holy Sandboarding Batman!

Hello all! We have begun our freetravel adventures and are now officially Peruvian vagabonds. On sunday, we made our way to the bus station, leaving Arequipa behind. Unfortuanately, along with the great city, we also left Eli and Amanda behind. Sickness was the decisive element, as our group had to part ways again, if only briefly. Fourteen hours, and a terrible Morgan Freeman movie later, we made it to the… Read More

Turbans and Temples

Thank goodness for our peaceful week Phool Chatti ashram, because the days following were a whirlwind of travel, exploration, group discussions, heat and crowds. Upon arriving Chandigarh, the only planned city in all of India, we were thrust into finding accommodation which, as Elaynna mentioned, Devon and Rozzi spearheaded and secured us a spot at a very comfortable hotel. While most of our first day there revolved around much needed… Read More

Wet Maybe the Wetest

Hola from San Juan Del Sur!!! The weeks been going amazing, we arrived after a nice 4 hour bus ride from Leon Monday afternoon and everyone really seems to be enjoying themselves. Were staying at a hostel called Parque Maderas, which is incredible we can see the beutiful beach down the hill and in the and in the afternoons the temperature cools down, which has been a nice change from… Read More


All of us in Heather and Adams appartment during our potluck in Xela The view from the top of the Devils Nose on our third trek day. It was totally worth it to get up at 4 just to see this sunrise over Lake Atitlan. Do you see that tiny tiny building on the tippy top of the tallest peak in the right hand corner…?Thats where we watched the sunrise… Read More

Learning to Breathe

Hello Friends and Family! After settling into Rishikesh with a much needed roof top group meeting, we all decided that Stacy’s idea for a solo day for our first free day in Rishikesh was a grand plan. The given space left us with the opportunity to re-visit or discover our intention or overall purpose and desire to why we are here in India. It is easy to get caught up… Read More

Sweaty Definitley the Sweatiest

Greetings from Nicaragua!!!We arrived in the extremely hot city of Leon Sunday afternoon. The flight was rather short and we were all very excited to arrive in a new country. It was only a short busride from the airport and we learned that this part of Nicaragua is surprisingly less mountain filled than Guatemala. almost all of us are in doubles this week so we settled into our last homestays… Read More

White People in the White City

Rafting was a success. We flew down the rapids like condors flying through the Ecuadorian sky. All we can really say about it is that it was fun, incredible, and got us really wet. While in Puyo we also explored the local aquarium. We entered through a giant crocodile mouth and explored its innards that were filled with many scary peses including an empty anaconda cage. Where it went, no… Read More

Our last week in Guatemala!

Last Saturday we went on a 40 kilometer hike from Xela to San Marcos. It took 2 and a half days. We carried our big packs with us and it was extremely challenging for all of us. The first night we slept at a campsite in tents. The next night we slept in an empty house that the trekking company supplied for us. The third morning we woke up at… Read More

Our Himalayan Trekking Adventure!

Hello Family and Friends! Wow.That’s the first word that comes to mind when reflecting back on the amazing experience we all had hiking through the Himalayas. Our first day we came together immediatley as a group–bound by the unified joy of being out in nature. We had been itching to get to the mountains since Calcutta and we had finally made it! And thank goodness we had those high spirits… Read More

Welcome To The Jungle

GOL!!!!! In the 93rd minute in La Casa Blanca in Quito, the away team put a laser into the upper 90 to tie the game. That was last sunday. Monday took us to the amazon… so, after another extended bus ride, we arrived in Puyo, the capital of this province. From there, one of the volunteers we´re staying with — Jeremy, a pretty chill guy from Cali whose travels have… Read More

Chi Chi maybe the Chi Chiest

HOla from Xela! Today was our last day at Casa Xelaju. Tomorrow we are headed to San Marcos for a week of yoga and meditation. Before we get ahead of ourselves, we must talk about the past week in Xela We enjoyed a nice day of shopping in Chichistenango. As you can see in the picture below, we took a chicken bus for transportation. We shopped for a while on… Read More

Mas fotos…

A few more photos for all you wonderful blog followers…. The cloud forest was so beautiful… the little house is where we stayed. The Chicken Bus ride back from chichi….so many people on the bus!! The Dude Shack in the cloud forest…Brian, Griffin, and Adam The group at Tikal on top of one of the temples! From L to R: Lexi, Griffin, Hannah, Brian, Brooke,Emily, Lauren W, Kelly, Adam, Lauren… Read More
Hey peeps. Hope you´re all doing as fabulously as we are. We once again spent the last we separated. The Blink 182ers headed to the forest to spend a tranquilo week in the Bosque Nublado. Much like the last group we spent the days teaching English in two different schools (with super cute ninos). Once our work was done we were able to take some time to explore the beautiful… Read More

Gangtok, Sikkim

Namaste! After a ten hour train ride and a beautiful but extremely bumpy seven hour jeep ride that winded up through the mountains, we arrived in Gangtok, Sikkim. Originally it was supposed to take five hours to get to Gangtok via jeep however, after bouncing around in the back for an hour, our car came to a complete halt. As the Lonely Planet had warned us to be prepared for… Read More

Xela maybe the Xelajuest!

Hey everyone!Hope you liked the pictures, there are more to come.Uploading is easy this week because we are staying in the second largest city in Guatemala, Xela. There is a gorgeous central park and tons of things to do everyday. Everyone is living in a homestay again, some farther then others, but all the families are great.Daily life in Xela goes a little something like this: school starts at 8:00… Read More


Ariel view from samuc champay, where we went last weekend for the dayHiking to the Cloud Forest (from left to right griffin, brian, kelly, emily, lauren f)Climbing to the top of one of the temples at Tikal!Sitting inside one of the Mayan ruins at Tikal (lexi, lauren f, emily, and brooke)Our whole group in a cave at barrio ixobel! ( top left to right: brian, heather,… Read More