Poptun Extravaganza

As we sit here, typing our first blog, sweat drips from our foreheads. Outside the climate mimics our physical condition as it pours down rain. But nothing can stop our sunny smiles on this beautiful Sunday afternoon in Ixobel. Today we had the pleasure of meeting our first homestay families and devouring a delicious home cooked meal together. It came as no surprise that the language barrier is quite challenging, but we… Read More

day 1 in Poptun

Hey friends and family!We miss you so much and are writing from a small internet cafe in Poptun! We just met our home-stay families for the next week and enjoyed a traditional almuerzo in a local villager´s home. We just enjoyed a great 3 day orientation at the fabulous finca ixobel. The food was deliciosa, the people friendly, and the ambiance incredible! Some of us decided to go horseback riding… Read More

And the real journey begins

So today was the last day of a successful orientation! After 4 long days of scavenging, bonding, and team building the adventures begin! For now were going to back track to the scavenger hunt and tell you guys a little bit about Kampala. We were sent out in groups with a list into the city, with each group having there own special tasks. The city of Kampala is absolute madness.… Read More

From the Lily Pad to the Sea

Our group endured the brutal 15 hour plane ride with turbulence, a 3 hour layover in Hong Kong, followed by a 2 hour plane ride, then a 2 hour bus ride to gratefully arrive at the idyllic Wongsanit Ashram on the far outskirts of Bangkok. The Ashram has made for a perfect landing to Thailand: clean and spacious meditation halls provide prime space for our orientation meetings, while rain on… Read More

Team JAM checking in

Hey everyone! We made it to the blog WAHOO! Carpediem is da bomb. Scavenger hunt is going well, we only have a few more things to complete and we are done! Tomorrow we will leave for Rio Muchacho to stay on the organic farm. WE ARE SUPER PUMPED 😀 We have been staying at Siandana, a simple farm/resort/hostel/awesome place with lots of animals. There is a box of puppies that… Read More

Anna and Natalie´s super post!

!Hola! We just finished arroz con pollo at a local restaurant in Bahia de Caraquez. We have a long list of items to scavenger. Yesterday we had a lovely tour of Saianda. There were tons of animals to see, especially the loud donkey who lives outside our room. We are enjoying our orientation and getting to know each other. Time to continue our scavenger hunt. Does anyone know why Bahia… Read More

Claire y Mia Segura y Feliz en Bahia de Caraquez

Hola padres y amigos,Somos en la ciudad de Bahia de Caraquez por este tarde para una scavenger hunt. Somos muy emocionada y feliz de los dos dias pasado y muy emocionada por los meses en el futuro. Nuestro español no es muy buena, pero estamos tratando. Saianda es muy bonita y las personas alli han sido tan bueno. no podemos mostrar nuestras fotos, pero los otros estudiantes mostraran ustedes fotos.… Read More

here in Fiji

Bula!! Family and FriendsWe landed in Fiji on Thursday morning at 5:10am. During the first few days we’ve had been orientation, we have been getting to know each other through various exercises and games and spending a lot of time bonding. We went into the town of Nadi to explore and to purchase the traditional dress of the Fijian culture, the zulu. Currently, we are learning about the differences in… Read More

the long road to Finca Ixobel

We made it! And all is well. In fact, the ‘farm’ at which we’re staying is an oasis — especially after the thirty-plus hours of flights and van riding it took for us to begin our journey. Already, we have had a nice balance of getting to know each other, adjusting to the shift in climate, language, and food, relaxing in hammocks, and cooling off in the lagoon. We’ll be… Read More


Hello fellow parents and friends! After 2 long days of traveling we have finally arrived at the Kampala backpackers hostel. In the morning we got together, had orientation and were sent out in the city for a scavenger hunt! We have been scavenging all day and have learned some words of the local language. They seem to enjoy trying to watch us speak and we laugh with them. I (Alexa)… Read More


It’s officially happened, the Walkabout group is walking now, through security, and onto the great beyond towards FIJI!  The group thankfully didn’t experience any difficulty in uniting and if that doesn’t bode well for a wonderful semester than I don’t know what does! Read More

“Itza” Whole Group!

After a minor hiccup with Kelley’s bags being sent by her airline to somewhere she wasn’t going (now fixed) the ITZA group is all together and through security.  In a short time they will be on their way to Guatemala to begin their adventure. Look for more from them in a couple days! Read More

…And They’re Off to Mama India!

With the exception of poor Dylan’s bags being left behind in NYC by his domestic airline, and Tiana needing to meet up with the group in a couple of days due to a visa mishap, the India group is intact and ready to fly westward to the most amazing adventure any of them have yet had. Look for more from the group members themselves in a couple of days! p.s.… Read More