Greetings, dingos! We’ve just spent an AUSSSSSOME day adventuring ’round the beautiful city of Portland, channeling our inner-explorers, consuming fine literature (children’s books count, right?) and overdosing on delicious coffee and funky donuts. It’s hard to believe we’ve only been friends #IRL for about a week – and we can’t (freakin’) wait to say the same thing about you all after we *finally* meet next Tuesday!
As we enter the final 5 days before our collective gap year Down Under (say WUT?!), we offer our crazy-awesome-crew these final pieces of advice:
1. Eat something glorious from your mom’s kitchen. Optional: pack the leftovers to share with your new friends in the airport.
2. Hold a ceremonial good bye for your phone before powering it off one last time. We promise not to judge your tears (for long).
3. Bring extra sunscreen. You’ll thank us later.
4. Start weening yourself off emojis.
5. If you’re feeling extra anxious/nervous/excited/all of the above, throw yourself an epic solo dance party or rock out session. Recommended songs…
- Hangin Around, Counting Crows (perfect for when you’re ready to mix things up by heading out of town!)
- Holiday, Madonna (timeless song, timeless moves)
- I’m Gonna Be, The Proclaimers (the ultimate song about going the distance)
- Free Your Mind, En Vogue (get ready to share your culture & absorb another!)
6. Stock up on thoughtful homestay gifts. Sorry homies, high fives won’t cut it.
7. Spend a significant chunk of time cuddling with your kitties, doggies, BFFs, or otherwise.
8. Share a heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to someone who helped you get here. You’re about to travel to the bottom of the world. For 3 months. On your own. HOLY COW!
9. Practice speaking whale à la Dory.
10. Better your knowledge and understandings of Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand, but remain open hearted and ready to receive the lessons these wonderful countries have to share with each of us.
That concludes our brain dump. Catch ya on the flip side (assuming the flip side is the LAX international terminal at 5:30pm next Tuesday).
Peace, love, and Tim Tams,
Meg and Christian, aka Team HONGI