Written By Ben
Throughout the last 2 1/2 months I was thinking of the perfect way to conclude this blog post. Our group has been through the highs of going caving and exploring the Great Barrier Reef, and the lows of sorting trash in the pouring rain and everything in between. Instead of describing the last week of student directed travel, I decided to bring our adventure to a close by summarizing my favorite quotes and most common things said by everybody in the group. To an outsider, this may seem like a random jumble of words and phrases, but to us, it describes the ways in which 14 strangers became family. Thank you to the Carpe Diem South Pacific family for making the most meaningful gap year experience I could ever imagine. – Ben
“Hey Team”
“Anybody want this delicious mix of seeds and nuts?”
“Guys look at my toe socks”
“Yeahhhhhhh buddy”
“**awkward chuckle**”
“Guys we should have a floating contest”
“I have a question”
“My balls”
“Zam sonic”
“I’m just a little guy in a little world
“smiles… widely”
“Wow Raj”
“guys listen guys” **tilts head**
“My children”
Talia H.
“Can I read someone’s book?”
“I’m going to bed”
“Waittt what does that mean?”
“Can I please get a iced mocha”
“Who dravin dis buszzz”
“Yuhhhhh get into it”
“You need to leave”
Talia G.
“I love you so much but…”
“To be honest…”
“So true”
“Should I play house music”
“No No No”
“It’s just a joke, calm down”
“F it we ball”
“Fur real”
“Ooooooo Is that candy I see”
“**evil winning laugh**”
“Dog crap”
“Where is my mother”
“I agree”
“I’ll eat it”