India wrapped up

So our semester is coming to a close and it has been a crazy and amazing experience. I have learned tons about Buddhism and Hinduism and even some Jainism. I have been blessed with the most magical group and couldn’t have gotten luckier. We have all shared our ups and downs and everything in between. It is a crazy thought that for my next shower I will be at home. I have learned a lot about myself, from the basic things that I knew that I would get out of the semester to the crazy out of the world things that I had no idea would even be possible. I’m sure I will reap the benefits back at home when I have more time to decompress and process some of the intense differences I have had here. I have learned how much my family means to me as I have never been away from them for this long before. But, I created my new Carpe fam and feel incredibly close with them.

Traveling with a group and without constant contact with my friends and family really opened my eyes to the whole world and made me want to travel even more and that’s exactly what I am doing this year. I am incredibly excited for the upcoming year and my group in India made me much more confident in my ability to get around the world by myself and not have to rely on someone else to help me. I learned that I am really in charge of my future and where I am going; to Costa Rica. Anyways, love to everyone.


