
Greetings from Coban….Kelley here!!

Let me start this weeks blog entry by saying everyone is alive and well after our week in the cloud forrest. (Dirty, smelly, and cold…but alive, and happy to be alive!) After our super relaxing week in San Marcos getting in touch with our spiritual, creative sides we had a bit of a change of pace hiking to a remote village with no plumbing or electricity.

We spent the week clearing out mud and clay so that a community kitchen could be built and used by the entire village in the future. Due to rain, we were unable to work on Thursday, giving our sore muscles and blistered hands a break from shoveling and we helped in the feilds picking corn. Friday we finished our work and even got to plant a few trees!

 Our accomodations were most definitely basic- we all stayed together in a big room, sleeping on bunk beds. We enjoyed staying all together, something we have yet to do.

All that being said, what a beauitiful opportunity for all of us to appreciate life’s simplicity! I think it’s safe to say that we we were all able to take something special away from this experience. We are all very grateful for showers, indoor plumbing and a break from beans and rice!!

In recap: We were dirty, smelly, blistered and sore…but happy! Happy to have such an experience, and happy to have had it together. We are looking forward to our last few days in Guatemala with visits to Semuc Champey, cave exploring, and seeing ancient Mayan ruins. I guess our lives are kinda cool, right!? It is crazy to think that our time here in Central America is almost half way over and even more crazy that our time in Guatemala is down to only a few days.

Let me leave you with knowing that everyone is happy, everyone is healthy, and everyone is very thankful for everything we are so incredibly lucky to have back home. Next time you hear from us we will be in Nicaragua!!!  Hugs from all fourteen of us!!!

PS it has been brought to Ella’s and my attention that our blog might be lacking a little in the photo department…. lo siento!!….. Enjoy!!

                               The group on the last leg of the trek to San Marcos!!!

                                My girl Ella kayaking in San Marcos!! Kindaaaaa cool

                                 Outside the school in Chicacnob on the soccer field.

                 Some of our group with our guides in Chicacnob next to some of the work we did