Greetings from Thailand!

Sawatdee friends!

We have been in Chiang Mai for just 3 days and already have learned so much! Everything here is so beautiful, and refreshing and upbeat- it's like a whole new world. We have been staying at a cozy lil' guest house while familiarizing ourselves with the exciting new territory. We have been starting our day at 9 am and after adventuring all day, by 8 pm, everyone is exhausted and ready for bed. I can already feel how tight-knit everyone is becoming and it's amazing how comfortable and silly we can be around each other just a few days in. Soon we will leave the guest house to travel to our home stays where we will be studying Thai for a couple weeks, after which we will travel to Pun Pun center for self reliance to learn about organic farming techniques, seed saving and much, much more. I wish I could post a picture for you all to see the beauty of this place, however the computer I am using is not compatible with camera 🙁 So for now, no pictures- but hopefully very soon!

Talk to you all soon and all my best!
