CAM (Maya) Blog 2

Whatup families, friends, and creepers.
Just a quick update of what we´ve been up to! We finished strong in Pasac after after surviving the trek up the volcano Pecul and serving our last day dancing in the Quitche traditional attire. It was a wonderful experience and we have definitly learned to appreciate basic luxaries. We spent one night with the Rights Action group in San McGuel. This is where we met Diadora and Gagoria, who are two woman who have put their lives on the line for protecting their homeland from the gold and silver mining coorperations (GoldCorps in particular). Despite the short visit, this experience has been incredibly moving. We arrived into Xela and it felt like a paradise. We are now living with new host families and attending 4 hours of Spanish school 5 days a week. We will post more throughout the week including pictures and more information about the Rights Action group!
Love all of you´re kids, friends, admired

(Charlotte & KP)