Hello FANZ Hongi,

Meet your travel crew…

Matt, Andrea, Krysten, Caroline, Alistair, Ruby, Francesca, Casey, Trent, Avery, Katherine, Dan and Greta.

We may be strangers in cyber space right now, but in a week we’ll all be living as a community, bouncing around the South Pacific.Ā  We are excited to leave the office behind, meet all of you, and get on the plane to Fiji.

Remember: LAX, Air Pacific Counter, 9/15, 7:30 PM.Ā  Be there!

This is our group trip blog, a site where all of your friends and family can track our movements and experiences throughout the semester.Ā  Share it with them!Ā  They’ll enjoy hearing about our adventures ALMOST as much as we’ll enjoy having them.

To all the friends and family of Fanz ā€˜11 members, welcome to our journey!Ā  The next time you hear from us we’ll all be in Lautoka, Fiji!

Dan & Greta ā€“ Fanz Hongi ā€˜11 Co-Leaders