Once upon a crisp and mysterious Monday morning, tiny snow flakes gently graced the streets of Portland. Gently became urgently became boldly–as so the story began amongst two Carpe Diem Overseas Educators. Exploring Portland by pedal-power, their first stop was a quaint pie shop. Conversation ensued amidst scrumptious apple-blackberry and pecan slices. With a rush of sugar running through their veins and a mutual passion for dress up and travel, nothing would stand in their way of taking the world by storm.

Long story short, after an adventure of bike riding, good conversation, and random acts of kindness, the storm troopers capped off the days’ scavenger hunt with the Carpe family over rounds of bowling. Besides from looking fashionable they feel empowered, confident and overwhelmed with excitement to lead an unforgettable and transformative journey in Central America.
Before we take off, we want to give a huge shout out to all of the friends and family who have made this journey possible for the Maya crew. (Yes, that means you!) Having the support of friends and family back home means the world to those of us on the road, so thank you so much! See you soon!
Salud, paz, y amor,
Jeremy & Brooke