Greetings from Topher and Julia, your super excited leaders who spent the day running around Portland getting to know each other on a magical scavenger hunt across town.
The excitement is building here in Portlandia. Early morning yoga stretch sessions, costume bowling parties, and fresh hot doughnuts fill our bodies and spirits. Visions of new adventures bounce about our intrepid brains during brief and precious moments of much needed rest. We are weaving together a strong foundation upon which we shall build a wonderful, challenging, magical journey through Southeast Asia.
It is a special time for us now. As Overseas Educators, we have very little time to engage with our extended Carpe Diem family and these fleeting moments we have in training provide good soul-fuel, allowing for an effective flight and strong, united journey overseas. The good people at Headquarters here have really outdone themselves and have truly gone the extra mile to ensure we are fully prepared supported, and nurtured for a spectacular semester abroad.
For the entire Carpe Diem team, the energy is rising, the mission is clear, and we are well prepared to meet our intrepid team and take flight!
Nine short days from today we depart for Thailand, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the land of wats, rice paddies, and scrumptious curries.
Your fearless leaders,
Topher and Julia