Habari from Jinja!

Happy Saturday! Today we arrived at the Nile River Camp right outside Jinja, Uganda! Our last week was spent at the Ziwa Rhino sanctuary and we made some insane memories. With the rangers and guides, we closely followed grazing rhinos, caught some friendly frogs, and watched some the immense beautiful birdlife. We've seen birds of every color of the rainbow – even turquoise! We learned so much about the gorgeous trees there. One of which seems to have toothpicks growing from it in every direction and it's called acacia.
We toured some of the electric fence that surrounds the sanctuary, as well as hiked and canoed through a swamp during a lovely sunrise. We learned a ton about poachers and hacked away at some invasive plants.
One of our afternoons was spent at the Hakuna Matata Daycare on site. We played games, took pictures, laughed a lot, all while learning so much about their culture. Us "muzungus" (foreigners) are pretty fascinating to them too!
The people here are so friendly and generally so happy to be in this country. Uganda is beautiful, with 10 national parks and every kind of habitat, and the people here have such a strong sense of community.
Tonight we spent a relaxing evening overlooking the Nile, preparing for our rafting adventure on Sunday! Sending a lot of love to our friends and families!
Meredith and Cat


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